Inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi on 13th February 1982, Bharat Bhavan is multi art centre set up to create an interactive proximity between the verbal, visual and performing arts. Establised and financed by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, and run by an autonomous trust (Registered under section 5(1) of M.P. Public Trust act ), Bharat Bhavan provides space for contemporary expression, thought, quest and innovation. Bharat Bhavan seeks to provide a creative and thought provoking milieu to those who wish to contribute something new and meaningful, in contemporary scene in the fine arts, literature, theatre, cinema, dance and music. It houses some of the best and most lasting that is being created in our towns, villages and forests.
Charles Correa the architect found here the possibilities of a series of terraced gardens, which would be seen cascading down to the lake. The visitors enter at the highest level and walk down a pedestrian spine, flanked by a pattern of courtyards, to reach the various parts of the complex. Each curve and space defines itself. Each of the part of the building is distinct yet flows easily one another, linked by meandering paths. The total effect is one of the surprise and pleasure. There is always a moment when the eye can rest and the mind contemplates.
Trustees of Bharat Bhavan